Black & Silver Renewal

I love sexy little black dresses. I have quite a number of them in my wardrobe.

This particular one, a glittering criss-cross, I had never worn before. So I thought, our wedding anniversary would be a perfect occasion.

I love how it accentuates my boobies. 😍

Also, it is important to select a set of accessories that complete the ensemble. I have a soft spot for silver bangles. I have quite many of them, also in various styles.

They go with pretty much each attire and offer various options to combine. On my left arm, for instance, I combine a set of seven slim bangles with a wide bangle as every-day accessories.
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It’s The Season…

🎼 …love and understanding. Merry whatever-you-call-it, everyone!

Yay, it’s the Holiday Season again. Our tree is up and illuminates our living room in beautiful colours and all the presents have been wrapped.

I know my husband well enough to know that he will spoil me again with tons of presents, probably mostly in the form of sexy clothing and jewelry.

I told him he doesn’t have to prove his love that way. Still, I admit, I do enjoy it. 🙂

But I also enjoy taking the occasion to treat my friends. Unfortunately, some of them I have never met outside the internet and might never have the chance.
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Super Asymmetry

If there was a Nobel Prize for dress design and I was on its committee, the inventors of asymmetric dresses would get my vote, hands down.

It’s one thing to design a “normal” dress. I have many sexy “normal” dresses and love them all.

But designing an asymmetric seems like a completely different league because such dresses have so many different aspects from each angle of vision.

Many of them look fabulous but also appear like they might be quite complicated to put on for a doll.

This dress that I wore for our steak dinner date last night was not complicated to put on (and off again) at all.
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Sexy Bathrobe

I love my cosy flannel bathrobe. It feels so good on my TPE skin. 🙂

But there’s something that feels even better and sometimes, I have to go lengths to get that. 😉

So, I said to my husband that we had not done a sexy photo shoot for quite some time and a steamy, yet tasteful erotic gallery might attract one or two of our followers to sign up and ask for Free VIP Access. 🙂

In truth, of course, I felt like taking off my bathrobe because I felt like having some fun with Harry. ❤️

And what can I say, my little trick worked wonders. 😊

Cosy Bathrobe

It is getting cold over here in Germany. In fact, it is so cold that my husband said he wouldn’t dare to take me out these days. 🥶

Even at home, I should no longer wear a t-shirt or dress so that we won’t have to turn up the radiators to the max, Harry said. 🔥

I do have a nice sweater and some pair of pants that might keep me warm but, to be honest, they’re kind of impractical in certain situations. 😉

So I turned to my comfy and cosy flannel bathrobe to do the job. I love how soft it feels on my TPE skin. 🙂

Isn’t it lovely? If I ever get to found a new football franchise, I guess I’ll call it the “Pandas”.
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