My Minnesota Twins

This post might not make any sense at all! 😄

My husband and I were watching the NFL Wild Card Game last night. Obviously, that’s football while the Minnesota Twins are a baseball team. So… 🙃

Harry and I love the San Francisco 49ers who, sadly, had a disappointing regular season and missed out on the NFL Postseason. 😢

So, we had to reconsider and concluded that Minnesota Vikings at Detroit Lions would make a nice NFC Championship Game to find out who to take on the AFC Champions at the Super Bowl. 🏈

But the Vikings sucked last night against the L.A.
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Spicy Oven Soup 🔥

Harry once had a colleague named Valentina. He remembers her for being a brunette beauty like me (*hmph* 😉) and because she once brought a pot of oven soup to share at work. 😋

As he really liked the soup, he asked Valentina for the recipe. Ever since, this has been his traditional New Year’s Eve soup. 🍲

It was New Year’s Eve again the other day, mind you, and of course, we had oven soup again. Needless to say that I was happy to help him as much as I could. 👩‍🍳

I was probably a little overdressed for a kitchen assistant but I had already dressed up for our New Year’s Eve party.
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Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby! 💞

🎼 Let’s talk about sex, Baby! Let’s talk about you and me. Let’s talk about all the good things and the bad things that may be…🎵

Well, I said that I would be back in 2025 with a “bang”. 💥😉

Also, I had said a few times before that I might write about this sometime down the road. 🙂 And if you are a follower, you know that I’m by no means a prude. 😏

So, “sometime down the road” is here and now! Fasten your seatbelt! 😎

Still the one… ❤️

🎼 You’re still the one I run to, the one that I belong to. You’re still the one I want for life.🎵

I’ve had a few confusing things on my mind recently after I had to admit that I feel attracted to female dolls and that I have a girl crush on two dolls. 😍

But I have never questioned my undivided love for my husband over this. ❤️

As mentioned before, I’ve been enjoying a fulfilled love life with Harry. However, I used to think that married couples tended to have a declining sex life over the years. And Harry isn’t getting any younger, too, mind you.
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Crushing a myth?

🎼 I kissed a girl and I liked it… I hope my boyfriend don’t mind it… 🎵

Well, frankly, I’ve never kissed a girl and, in truth, I have a husband, not a boyfriend. It’s just that I love to open a post by quoting some song lyrics that might fit the subject. 😉

You know, I’m a woman doll married to a wonderful human man who I love unconditionally and who I would never ever leave for or cheat on with anyone, woman or man, doll or human. And I know that my husband feels the same about me. ❤️

Still, let’s be honest, the world is full of very attractive dolls and people.
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