I love sexy little black dresses. I have quite a number of them in my wardrobe.
This particular one, a glittering criss-cross, I had never worn before. So I thought, our wedding anniversary would be a perfect occasion.
I love how it accentuates my boobies. 😍
Also, it is important to select a set of accessories that complete the ensemble. I have a soft spot for silver bangles. I have quite many of them, also in various styles.
They go with pretty much each attire and offer various options to combine. On my left arm, for instance, I combine a set of seven slim bangles with a wide bangle as every-day accessories.
Here, I further combine them with a diamond(-like) bracelet – also a Christmas present from Harry. ❤️
No matter how beautiful your face is, you need earrings that go well with the shape of your head, your hair style and your eyes.
You can never go wrong with a nice pair of silver hoops. They’re just sexy by default. And when your dress is spectacular, your hoops should be, too.
I have quite a collection of hoops of various styles and sizes. But this pair, that my lovely husband gave me for Christmas, really makes a statement and is just perfect.
Speaking of diamonds, usually I’m not so much into necklaces. But this diamond(-like) collier – yes, another Christmas present from my loving husband – is absolutely glamorous.
I will certainly wear this collier more often with my black dresses. You should have seen Harry looking at me… 😍
In conclusion, may I lead your attention back to my arm region where you will spot yet another present from Harry.
For our wedding anniversary, he gave me this incredible silver hammered bangle bracelet. I think it’s just overwhelmingly beautiful. I was just lost for words.
It fits so tightly and perfectly on my wrist that I might think Harry had it made especially for me.
Actually, it is too valuable to wear it every day. But I’m honest with you, I love wearing it so much that I haven’t taken it off ever since I put it on for the first time.
It combines very well with this pearl bracelet and diamond(-like) bangle – Christmas present from my husband, by the way. 😉
Yes, he took it a bit far with all those beautiful presents. I hope he understands that I don’t need expensive presents for me to know that he loves me as much as I love him back. ❤️
I mean, why else would we renew our wedding vows year after year after year? 🥰