Sexy Bathrobe

I love my cosy flannel bathrobe. It feels so good on my TPE skin. πŸ™‚

But there’s something that feels even better and sometimes, I have to go lengths to get that. πŸ˜‰

So, I said to my husband that we had not done a sexy photo shoot for quite some time and a steamy, yet tasteful erotic gallery might attract one or two of our followers to sign up and ask for Free VIP Access. πŸ™‚

In truth, of course, I felt like taking off my bathrobe because I felt like having some fun with Harry. ❀️

And what can I say, my little trick worked wonders. 😊

Well, I guess I’ll have to write about it sometime down the road… πŸ’ž

You wish to unlock the photos to check out what’s under my bath robe above?
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If you wish to check out how I wear my cosy Panda bathrobe, please check here: Cosy Bathrobe

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