For the first time since last September, when Ludovika visited us, my husband and I have made it back to Dornumersiel. 🙂
As mentioned in an earlier post, we had planned to come back to Dornumersiel back in spring but had to cancel the trip when Harry collapsed on the tram which was going to bring us to Hanover Central Station.
Our journey did not go entirely smoothly because, at the subway station where we had to get off the tram, the elevator was out of order.
We had no choice but to somehow get me in my wheelchair up three flights of escalators to get to the level from which we could reach the platform of our train – what a stunt! 😦
And when we had to switch buses in Dornum, I nearly rolled onto the road when Harry was doublechecking on the bus schedule. I must admit that it was quite scary. 😟
But eventually, we made it safely to our apartment. It’s not the same one that we had rented for our first three vacations together. I must admit that we don’t like it quite as much as the other one but it’s still okay.
And for the first time, I have to sleep on the right side of the bed because there’s no access to the left side. What’s more, Harry has to climb over me when he wants to get out of bed, which almost led to disaster on the first morning when he almost suffered a cramp in his thigh and then slipped on the floor, causing him to fall, destroying a side table and badly spraining the pinkie finger on his right hand.
Anyway, we finally took our first short walk around the Mahlbusen. We stayed at the harbor for a while and watched the cutter “Poseidon” sail out.
I’m glad I have my new parasol, by the way. I need to protect my sensitive TPE skin from the sun. Maybe it’s better for me if I only go out in the late afternoon…