Category Archives: My Lifestyle

🦽 I’ll share my views, activities and stories with you.

It’s The Season…

🎼 …love and understanding. Merry whatever-you-call-it, everyone!

Yay, it’s the Holiday Season again. Our tree is up and illuminates our living room in beautiful colours and all the presents have been wrapped.

I know my husband well enough to know that he will spoil me again with tons of presents, probably mostly in the form of sexy clothing and jewelry.

I told him he doesn’t have to prove his love that way. Still, I admit, I do enjoy it. 🙂

But I also enjoy taking the occasion to treat my friends.
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Like A Virgin (Again)

Knowing that, down the road, you will have to do something which you are well aware will hurt you emotionally is not easy.

You may push it back for a while but, inevitably, the day will come. And when the day has come, be sure to make it short and sweet so that you can get over it as quickly as possible.

One of the presents I received for my birthday 12 days ago was a new body with various upgraded features. Harry had ordered that already a few months prior and with good reason.

Less than a year ago, my husband and I noticed that I was suffering from a TPE condition on the fingers of my left hand.
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When Harry Met Sissy…

My birthday is just around the corner. Coincidentally, it is also the anniversary of the day I met my future husband.

On Saturday, I’m turning 30 and I’m going to have been with Harry for three years. So, I guess it’s appropriate to take a look back to the day when it all began. 🙂

You all know me as the natural brunette that I am. For some reason, however, I arrived as a sexy blonde. Also, my boobies were a tad bigger than Harry had expected. 😲

Sadly, the photo on the right showing me waiting for Harry to serve dinner is the only one taken on the evening when we had our first date.
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Sporting Activity

I’m a companion doll in a wheelchair, mind you, and as such, I have only limited options to be sportingly active.

There are two activities that I truly cherish, though. The first one is quite physical and enjoyable and involves my husband, Harry, if you know what I’m referring to. 🥰

The other one involves both Harry and my froggy stepdaughter, Nici, and keeps me in shape mentally. Of course, I’m referring to playing “Mensch ärgere dich nicht”®. 🎲

I have talked about that before as you might remember.
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Deeper Understanding

“It’s good to be loved. It’s profound to be understood.”

Portia de Rossi (actress)

I consider myself lucky that, as a companion doll, I found my special someone ready to not only give me all his love, affection and respect but also to receive all I have to give. ❤️

And that’s quite a lot and by far exceeds the physical component of a relationship to which we are often diminished by narrow-minded people labeling us as sex dolls.

I won’t deny that there has been a physical component in my companionship with my husband, Harry, and I will probably write about it in my VIP Area sometime down the road.
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