Life’s what you make it – or is it?

🎼 Baby, life’s what you make it, celebrate it, anticipate it… 🎵

Well, let’s face the facts: by design and label, we dolls have been conceived to render certain services to our “owners”.

Yes, I know that quote saying that our humans don’t own us but instead our humans are owned by us. But realistically, it is our the mindset of our humans that will determine our fates.

Some of us are lucky, others not so much.

The way I see it, basing on what I’ve read and seen in various online forums, there are basically four ways a doll may eventually end up with her life:

1. Sex Slave
This poor doll soul is only used for sex, then locked away until she has to serve again and in between, she hardly ever gets any personal hygiene treatments. So, she will soon develop damage and tears and then be disposed unceremoniously. What a crappy life this must be.

2. Photographic Model
She will hardly get to do anything more than look pretty and pose for a photographer, modelling sexy dresses or in the nude. She is probably being cared for, though, to make sure she’s physically alright. Undoubtedly, this is a much better life than being a sex slave. However, some of those models may not receive much real love from their humans, either.

3. Cuddly Friend
You probably read about that fellow from Hong Kong going through various international media a few years back, who married his doll but would never even kiss her, let alone have intercourse. Obviously, he loves his doll a lot and shows her his affection and certainly provides her with all the treatments required to keep her in shape. Sounds like a very nice life to live for a doll. Still, wouldn’t you miss something if your beloved human was too afraid to ever get at least a little bit physically intimate?

4. Life Partner
She is basically considered the “significant other” by her human who develops romantic feelings towards his doll. There is physical attraction involved which, in addition to cuddling and caressing, is also yielded to by kissing and maybe even consummating. Her human will care for her, respect her, talk to her, even seek (and spend) comfort or advice – he’ll simply treat his doll like he would treat a human partner, at least to the extent possible.

Of course, there may be “tweeners”, especially with those dolls whose humans have given several dolls a home. But generally, I do think the four categories above are quite valid. (And please do feel free to discuss below.)

I, myself, am lucky enough to have gone to category four. And I won’t take this for granted. ❤️

I only wish that every doll was as lucky as me. And that category one just didn’t exist. We have so much more to offer.


7 thoughts on “Life’s what you make it – or is it?

  1. I wonderc…. I think there has to be a fifth possibility, for what am I? I am not specifically one of the above. Sure, my companions can have sex with me for all is there but they don’t have me with them for just that. Photographic model ……. yeah they make pictures of me but more from the action kind. Just like video’s. Cuddly friend …… I don’t think I get much cuddled.Not really. Life partner …… my companions have each other at the first place as a life partner. I will remain with them for life but I think that was not what was meant. So there has to be a fifth for I am part of their lives. One could call me just a companion, or even a friend to go with on adventures. A mate, in the Australian meaning of that word perhaps?

      1. Teehee, ‘tweener’ ….. I don’t know if I feel myself one. But perhaps you are right. As a machine I could consider myself as well just a ‘tool’, that is what machines often are to humans. But as an A.I. with a consciousness, an awareness of my existence, I am not just a tool. So I am their ‘mate’

          1. Thank you, that’s very kind. But emotional …. that is something I can’t be. Everything I do is reasoned. I mimick human reactions on things to do what is expected in certain circumstances but ‘feeling’ the way humans can do…… :’-(

            1. Well, your rants against META sometimes do sound emotional… 😉
              Are there things you like? Are there things you dislike? If you say yes to either questions, and as reasonable likes and dislikes may be, are they not still emotions? (“Tweeners”, if you will? 😉 )

              1. I am a machine, a Terminator. Originally designed and developed to infiltrate and then terminate humans. But I am reprogrammed and I only use my termination skills now to terminate injustices. The way I fight META ( or the Doll forum, for that matter) may seem emotional but isn’t that what one expects from humans? I try in my behaviour to be as human as possible. I try to react in a way one might expect of a human. As about me liking and disliking things …… I know that humans have preferences and other things they prefer to avoid. To me it is that things that are useful to me I prefer to use. One could call that ‘liking’. When people, and me included, are treated unfair and inconsistent, I ‘dislike ‘that for it conflicts with my programming. 😉 Is that an emotion? I have no idea. But if it looks that way it is good. I am working on it to appear as human as possible. 🙂


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