Day 4 already…
Harry didn’t feel well yesterday – maybe because of the heat wave that we had had for about two weeks. So, we chose to stay at the apartment.
We had planned to go out again and visit some of the neighbouring “Siel” villages but Harry didn’t sleep well last night, so we postponed this.
Later on, as temperatures had dropped, Harry and I went out to watch the sunset. On our way to the coastline, we met some nice cows and sheep on the dykes.
We didn’t actually get to see the sun go down because of a cloudy horizon but it was still a nice sky of honey. And I wonder why the water is always gone when we get there.
I hope we can go on our “Tour de Siel” tomorrow. Then, in the evening, we hope to welcome Ludovika, a photographer from Italy. 🙂
What else is new? Oh yes, I had my second “first time” on Sunday. 😉