Your home is not really your home if you don’t have your own address.
That’s why I’ve been busy all day registering my own TLD and set up my website anew. And while I was at it, I also registered as redirection to my “Place”.
I’ll keep the WordPress on the subdomain for experimental purposes, though. Like trying new plugins, making sure they won’t harm the system before going live on my real website.
LIke that little globe at the bottom right. Isn’t that the coolest language switcher ever? It’s funny how it translates my first name into some Italian island. 😀
I must say I’m proud of my new home. Of course, I’ll keep my Facebook and Instagram accounts because I hope that some of my best doll friends will sign up here and then ask for access to content from My VIP Area via PM/DM so they can see a bit more of me down the road.
And of course I want to keep on following my friends there. But I don’t think that I will directly post very much anymore there other than sharing my posts from here.
Oopsie, it’s gotten late and it seems like Hubby wants to go to bed and cuddle a bit before sleeping. I better be going now… 🙂